Pearl Masterbatch

Pearl Masterbatch: Add a Touch of Glamour to Your Products

Pearl Masterbatch: Add a Touch of Glamour to Your Products

Benefits of using Pearl Masterbatch:

  • Adds beauty and sophistication to products
  • Versatile and cost-effective
  • Available in a variety of colors and finishes
  • Can be used in a variety of applications

Applications of Pearl Masterbatch:

  • Consumer goods, such as toys, appliances, and packaging
  • Automotive parts, such as bumpers and trim
  • Building materials, such as siding and roofing
  • Industrial products, such as pipes and valves

How to use Pearl Masterbatch:

Pearl/Metallic Masterbatch can be added to plastics and rubber during the manufacturing process. The amount of masterbatch to be added will depend on the desired effect.

Contact us today to learn more about Pearl/Metallic Masterbatch and how we can help you create the perfect look for your application.

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